With the publication of the general guidelines for the internationalization policy of higher education and science and technology on the 30th of November (Council of Ministers Resolution nº78/2016), e new impulse was given to the internationalization of Portuguese higher education. In this context, we highlight the importance given to the support to the promotion and dissemination of Portuguese higher education, institutions and national educational offer, which should be done, among others, through the “Study and Research in Portugal” initiative.
Therefore, various tools are being developed to support this international promotion, assist higher education institutions attracting international students and researchers, promote Portuguese higher education and facilitate the establishment of partnerships and strategic cooperation, as well as intensify the activities developed abroad in this context.
It is in this framework, that we highlight the creation of the portal Study and Research in Portugal (http://www.study-research.pt/) which will serve as an “entry point” for international students, researchers, academics and institutions interested in Portuguese higher education and the launching of the video “10 reasons to study and research in Portugal : Portugal a land of History, culture, knowledge and innovation” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBL8dC7_obY).