Licenciatura - 1st Cycle

The “Licenciado” degree is awarded to students that:
a) Demonstrate knowledge and understanding in a training area in such a level that:
i) Based on the knowledge acquired in secondary education, may develop and expand upon it;
ii) Can work with advanced learning materials and relate to them;
iii) Have a state-of-the-art knowledge in some aspects of that area;
b) Demonstrate know how to apply acquired knowledge and understanding capacity, in order to clearly demonstrate a professional approach to the work carried out in their vocational area;
c) Have the capacity to solve problems within the field of their training area, based upon their own arguments;
d) Have the capacity to collate, select, and interpret relevant information, particularly in their training area, which will enable them to consolidate the solutions they present and the opinions they put forward, including the analysis of relevant social, scientific and ethical aspects;
e) Possess competences that enable them to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions, both to experts and non-experts;
f) Possess learning competences that will enable them to benefit from lifelong learning with a high degree of autonomy. 
In polytechnic education, these degree can be obtained after the conclusion of a 1st cycle of 180 ECTS credits and a normal legnth of 6 semesters, or, exceptionally, up to 240 ECTS credits and 7 or 8 semesters.

In university education, these degree can be obtained after the conclusion of a 1st cycle of 180 up to 240 ECTS credits and a normal length between 6 and 8 semesters.

The degree of "Licenciado" is conferred to those who, through the approval in all the curricular units, have obtained the necessary number of credits.


The “Licenciado” degree corresponds to level 6 of QNQ and QEQ.
More information on access to an integrated cycle can be consulted here.
Are fixed annually by the institution of higher education. Specific vacancies may be provided for post-employment, distance learning or English-language training.



Ciclos de estudos conferentes de grau


Lei n.º 46/86, de 14 de outubro - Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo
Lei nº 46/86, de 14 de outubro
Estabelece o quadro geral do sistema educativo
State: Vigente
Diplomas estruturantes do Ensino Superior
Decreto-Lei n.º 74/2006, de 24 de março - Graus e Diplomas do Ensino Superior
Decreto-Lei nº 74/2006, de 24 de março
Aprova o regime jurídico dos graus académicos e diplomas do ensino superior
State: Vigente
Diplomas estruturantes do Ensino Superior, Graus, Títulos e Equivalências, Cursos Técnicos Superiores Profissionais (TeSP)
Decreto-Lei n.º 42/2005, de 22 de fevereiro - Princípios reguladores de instrumentos para a criação do espaço europeu de ensino superior (ECTS)
Decreto-Lei nº 42/2005, de 22 de fevereiro
Aprova os princípios reguladores de instrumentos para a criação do espaço europeu de ensino superior (ECTS)
State: Vigente
Diplomas estruturantes do Ensino Superior, Graus, Títulos e Equivalências