3rd cycle - Doutoramento

The "Doutor" degree is awarded in the field of knowledge or in one of its specialist subjects to those who, after completed a 3rd cycle - "Doutoramento", have demonstrated:

a) The capacity of systematic understanding in a scientific field;

b) Competences, skills, and investigation methods associated with a scientific field;

c) The capacity to conceive, project, adapt and perform significant research respecting the demands imposed by patterns of academic quality and integrity;

d) Having carried out a significant body of original research which has contributed to challenging the boundaries of knowledge, part of which merited national or international dissemination in renouned publications;

e) Being capable of critically analyzing, evaluating and synthesizing new and complex ideas;

f) Being capable of communicating with their peers, the rest of the academic community and society in general in their expert field;

g) The capacity to promote technological, social or cultural progress in academic or professional terms in a knowledge-based society.

The 3rd cycle - "Doutoramento" comprises:
  • The drawing up of an original thesis especially for this purpose, appropriate to the nature of the branch of knowledge or specialty, or the compilation of a coherent and relevant set of research works or, in the field of the arts, a work or set of works or accompanied by a written statement of reasons;
  • The eventual realization of curricular units directed to the formation for the investigation, when the respective regulatory norms foresee it. 

The duration of either the study cycle, nor the corresponding ECTS credits is not legally defined. The usual is having a duration of 6 to 8 semesters and 180 to 240 ECTS credits.

The "Doutor" degree is conferred to those who have obtained approval in the public act of defense of the thesis.
It is the responsibility of the competent body of each higher education institution to approve, among other subjects, the curricular structure and the syllabus and the rules on the component of dissertation, project or report of internship, including orientation, presentation, defense and jury.
The "Doutor" degree corresponds to level 8 of EQF.
More information on access to a 2nd cycle can be consulted here.


Lei n.º 46/86, de 14 de outubro - Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo
Lei nº 46/86, de 14 de outubro
Estabelece o quadro geral do sistema educativo
State: Vigente
Diplomas estruturantes do Ensino Superior
Decreto-Lei n.º 74/2006, de 24 de março - Graus e Diplomas do Ensino Superior
Decreto-Lei nº 74/2006, de 24 de março
Aprova o regime jurídico dos graus académicos e diplomas do ensino superior
State: Vigente
Diplomas estruturantes do Ensino Superior, Graus, Títulos e Equivalências, Cursos Técnicos Superiores Profissionais (TeSP)
Decreto-Lei n.º 42/2005, de 22 de fevereiro - Princípios reguladores de instrumentos para a criação do espaço europeu de ensino superior (ECTS)
Decreto-Lei nº 42/2005, de 22 de fevereiro
Aprova os princípios reguladores de instrumentos para a criação do espaço europeu de ensino superior (ECTS)
State: Vigente
Diplomas estruturantes do Ensino Superior, Graus, Títulos e Equivalências