Mestrado integrado - Integrated cycle

A "Mestre" degree is awarded to those who, after completed an integrated cycle - "Mestrado Integrado" demonstrate that:
a) Possess such knowledge and capacity of understanding that:
i) Based on the knowledge obtained in the first cycle, they manage to develop and expand that knowledge;
ii) Manage to develop and apply that knowledge to original situations often in the context of research;
b) Know how to apply their knowledge, understanding and problem solving capacities to new and unfamiliar situations in wide multidisciplinary situations, although related to their area of studies;
c) Possess the capacity to integrate knowledge, deal with complex matters, develop solutions or put forward opinions on situations of limited or incomplete information, including reflecting upon the implications and ethical and social responsibilities that result from both those solutions and opinions or indeed that condition them;
d) Are capable of communicating their conclusions and the knowledge and reasoning that underly them, both to experts and non-experts clearly and unambiguously;
e) Possess learning competences that will enable them to benefit from selforiented or autonomous lifelong learning.
It is a longer cycle of studies of initial training taught only in university education, which has 300 to 360 ECTS credits and a normal duration between 10 and 12 semesters, in cases where this duration for access to the exercise of a certain professional activity is fixed by EU legal standards or results from a stable and consolidated practice in the European Union.
In this cycle the degree of "Licenciado" is awarded to those who have completed the 180 ECTS credits corresponding to the first six semesters of the curriculum.
The “Licenciado” degree corresponds to level 6 of EQF, and the "Mestre" degree corresponds to level 7 of EQF.
More information on access to an integrated cycle can be consulted here.
Are fixed annually by the institution of higher education. Specific vacancies may be provided for post-employment, distance learning or English-language training.



Ciclos de estudos conferentes de grau


Lei n.º 46/86, de 14 de outubro - Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo
Lei nº 46/86, de 14 de outubro
Estabelece o quadro geral do sistema educativo
State: Vigente
Diplomas estruturantes do Ensino Superior
Decreto-Lei n.º 74/2006, de 24 de março - Graus e Diplomas do Ensino Superior
Decreto-Lei nº 74/2006, de 24 de março
Aprova o regime jurídico dos graus académicos e diplomas do ensino superior
State: Vigente
Diplomas estruturantes do Ensino Superior, Graus, Títulos e Equivalências, Cursos Técnicos Superiores Profissionais (TeSP)
Decreto-Lei n.º 42/2005, de 22 de fevereiro - Princípios reguladores de instrumentos para a criação do espaço europeu de ensino superior (ECTS)
Decreto-Lei nº 42/2005, de 22 de fevereiro
Aprova os princípios reguladores de instrumentos para a criação do espaço europeu de ensino superior (ECTS)
State: Vigente
Diplomas estruturantes do Ensino Superior, Graus, Títulos e Equivalências