Portugal became a top destination to study, work or research. Data confirm this trend. The year of 2018 has been showing a huge increase in the nº of requests for the recognition of foreign qualifications in Portugal. This increase is particularly remarkable if we compare to similar periods as shown in graphics below.
Comparability of the nº of request of recognition under Decree-Law 341/2007:
1st semester 2017/ 1st semester 2018
Months |
1st Semester 2017 |
1st Semester 2018 |
January |
70 |
124 |
February |
69 |
173 |
March |
137 |
154 |
April |
42 |
59 |
May |
66 |
136 |
June |
59 |
86 |
Total |
443 |
732 |
Source: DGES
Comparability by country of origin of the degree or diploma with highest results on the same period
Source: DGES
The same increase is also visible in the flow of requests for information and issue of statements of level, whose main purpose, in a majority of cases, is for pursue of studies in Portuguese higher education or for the process of equivalence/recognition performed by Portuguese Higher Education Institutions.
Comparability of the nº of request of NARIC statements of level:
1st semester 2017/ 1st semester 2018
Month |
1st Semester 2017 |
1º SEM_ 2018 |
January |
65 |
114 |
February |
91 |
58 |
March |
74 |
60 |
April |
78 |
228 |
May |
88 |
112 |
June |
125 |
188 |
Total |
521 |
760 |
Source: DGES
Comparability by country of origin of the degree or diploma with highest results on the same period
Source: DGES
The data that we presented allow us to have a snapshot of some conclusions. Portugal is a “must” country destination to study, work or research and matches the objectives launched by MCTES in attracting more students, teachers and international researchers. On the other hand the international political settings may contribute to the raising of the nº of requests of statements of level that allow the pursue of studies, that revealed a higher impact on nationals of countries (Brazil and Venezuela) who are experiencing some internal instability and that chose Portugal as a country of destination.