The Impulso Jovens STEAM and Impulso Adultos programmes have already been launched, the first two programmes to be launched under the RRP (Recovery and Resilience Programme).
These two programmes, managed by DGES – Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior, aim to support initiatives that contribute to the qualification of the general population:
- The "Impulso Jovens STEAM" Programme aims to promote and support initiatives exclusively oriented to increase the higher degrees of young people in areas of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathmatics), in line with the new needs of the labour market;
- The "Impulso Adultos" Programme, in turn, aims to reinforce and diversify post-secondary training, respectively guaranteeing the reconversion and updating of skills through the development of flexible qualification solutions.
The initiatives will be developed by higher education institutions (HEIs), in collaboration with other entities, namely enterprises, public and/or private entities and employers, including local, regional and national public entities.
The two programmes, although distinct, are related to each other, therefore they are implemented through a single open and competitive call, and applications may be submitted that include several projects under the context of any of the two programmes.
The process involves three phases: Phase 1: Call for the submission of "expressions of interest", open and competitive (until 10 September 2021); Phase 2: Evaluation and negotiation, followed by a targeted call to the "expressions of interest" selected in the 1st phase (Sept-Dec 2021); Phase 3: Monitoring of implementation (2021-2026).
The launch session took place on June 21, 2021, at the Thalia Theatre, with the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor, in the opening session, and the Prime Minister António Costa in the closing session.
The AVISO 01/PRR/2021 and content of the programmes, should be consulted at