International Students

A system designed for international students who want to access to the degree of licenciado: 1st cycle or an integrated master's degree that fullfil the following conditions:

1. If you do not have Portuguese nationality;

2. If you are not a national from a Member State of the European Union;

3. If you are not a Family member of Portuguese or nationals of a member state of the European Union, regardless of your nationality;

4. If you are not legally residing in Portugal until the 1st of January of the year in which you intend to enroll in higher education for more than two years, continuously, and if you are not family of foreign citizens that hold a resident permit for more than two years;

5. If you are a student that is not a beneficiary, on January 1 of the year in which they intend to enter higher education, with the status of equal rights and duties attributed under the international treaty granted between the Portuguese State and the State of which they are nationals;

6.  If you don’t intend to enroll in Higher Education through special regimes;

7. If you Hold:

    A Qualification giving access to Higher Education, meaning any diploma or certificate issued by a competent authority in the country in which it was awarded; or
    A Diploma of Portuguese secondary school or equivalent degree.


Higher Education in Portugal is divided into two sub-systems, university and polytechnic education.

Both university and polytechnic institutions award the degree of licenciado (1st cycle).

In polytechnic education, the cycle of studies that leads to the degree of licenciado has 180 ECTS and a normal length of six curricular semesters of students’ work. In certain cases, namely those covered by national or European legislation, the cycle of studies can have up to 240 ECTS with a normal length of eight curricular semesters of students’ workload.


International students can, also, access to the degree of mestre (2nd cycle) or doutor (3rd cycle) degree.

Both university and polytechnic institutions award the degree of mestre (2nd cycle). The cycle of studies that leads to the degree of mestre has from 90 to 120 ECTS and a normal length of between three to four curricular semesters of students’ workload.

The doutor (3rd cycle) degree is awarded by universities.


How To Apply:

All information is available in this website!

All applications have to be presented at the university or polytechnic institution that students want to enroll.

Each university or polytechnic institution has different application procedures depending on study program. This means different admission requirements, different deadlines and different documents.


Our Advise:

Read carefully all information available in this webpage

Ask questions through our

Check the webpage from the university or polytechnic institution or call the academic services to get faster and most accurate information.

You should also consult all accredited and registered courses, in the courses list.


Decreto-Lei n.º 36/2014, de 10 de março - Regula o estatuto do estudante internacional
Decreto-Lei nº 36/2014, de 10 de março
Regula o estatuto do estudante internacional, alterado pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 113/2014, de 16 de julho
State: Vigente
Acesso ao Ensino Superior
Lei n.º 46/86, de 14 de outubro - Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo
Lei nº 46/86, de 14 de outubro
Estabelece o quadro geral do sistema educativo
State: Vigente
Diplomas estruturantes do Ensino Superior