Luxembourg presidency of the EU Council


On the 1st of July Luxembourg began its Presidency of the Council of the European Union, following Italy and Latvia in the trio of Presidencies that will be complete in the 2nd semester of 2015. In the area of Higher Education the Luxembourg Presidency will address issues related to improving completion rates and the new Bologna Follow-up Group period (2015-2018). Additionally other transversal issues in education will be tackled, such as promotion of social inclusion, the 2015 joint report of the Education and Training 2020 Strategic Framework, and the Paris Declaration on promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education.

Events related to higher education promoted by the Presidency for the 2nd semester of 2015:


  • 8th-9th – Meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group


  • 15th-16th – Hearing for young Europeans “Inclusive education: Take action! Luxembourg recommendations”


  • 23rd-24th – Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council Meeting
  • 24th-25th – Meeting of the Directors General for Higher Education


  • 10th-11th – Conference on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Scheme

For further information you can visit the Presidency’s official website: