Degree and Diploma Recognition

The recognition in Portugal of higher education degrees and diplomas awarded by foreign higher education institutions is regulated, since January 1st 2019, by Decree-Law no. 66/2018. This Decree-Law repeals the previous two regarding these issues, Decree-Law no. 283/83 and Decree-Law no. 341/2007.

The new Decree-Law standardizes the procedures for the recognition of foreign qualifications, making them more transparent, equitable and simple, introducing changes to the previous legal regimes by clarifying concepts, and widening the recognition to short cycle higher-education diplomas that have identical level, objectives and nature to Portuguese professional higher education technical courses. Simplified procedures are introduced, namely by establishing a system of precedence for the Level Recognition process, which guarantees a more automatic process for the decision, avoiding repetition, reducing costs and response times for recognition decisions.

There are three types of recognition in Portugal.


What is it?

This form of recognition generically recognises a higher education foreign degree or diploma with identical level, objectives and nature to the Portuguese degrees of licenciado, mestre and doutor and the short cycle professional higher technical diplomas,that are included in the list of degrees and diplomas approved by the commission for the recognition of foreign degrees and diplomas.


To which Degrees/Diploma does this apply?

Verify here if it applies to your degree/diploma

Check this table


How and where can I request this recognition?

  • Public Higher Education Institutions
  • Directorate-General for Higher Education

       Recognition is requested by the Degree/Diploma holder by completing this online form.


What documents are needed?


According to Article 4 (2) of Decree-Law no. 66/2018, applicants must present a document that unequivocally proves that the degree or diploma has been awarded. 

  • Copy of the Diploma or document issued by the foreign higher education institution proving the title of the degree or diploma for which recognition is required, authenticated by the competent authorities for this purpose;
  • Simple copy of a document issued by a foreign higher education institution with a registration number of a degree or diploma in the case of foreign higher education institutions that have centralized registers that can be accessed through a unique identifier;
  • Diploma or certificate issued by the foreign higher education institution, in original version, proving the title of the degree or diploma for which recognition is required.




                    The fee to be charged by the Directorate-General for Higher Education is € 32.20 


How long does it take?


                   A maximum of 30 days after the full completion of all necessary steps for the application.


What is the procedure for the recognition of Doctor's Degree awarded by the European University Institute of Florence?


According to Decree-Law 66/2018 academic degrees and diplomas awarded by the European University Institute of Florence are subject to automatic recognition.

This recognition should be requested as a normal Automatic Recognition


What is it?

It is the act that allows to recognize by comparability, in an individualized way, a degree or diploma of foreign higher education as having a level corresponding to an academic degree or Portuguese higher education diploma.


How and where can I request this recognition?

  • Portuguese public universities
  • Portuguese public polytechnic institutes

       Recognition is requested by the Diploma holder by completing this online form.


What documents are needed?


   According to Article 4 (2) of Decree-Law no. 66/2018, applicants must present a document that unequivocally proves that the degree or diploma has been awarded. 

  • Copy of the Diploma or document issued by the foreign higher education institution proving the title of the degree or diploma for which recognition is required, authenticated by the competent authorities for this purpose;
  • Simple copy of a document issued by a foreign higher education institution with a registration number of a degree or diploma in the case of foreign higher education institutions that have centralized registers that can be accessed through a unique identifier;
  • Diploma or certificate issued by the foreign higher education institution, in original version, proving the title of the degree or diploma for which recognition is required.

In addition to the above mentioned documentation, specific documentation may be requested, namely:

  • Document issued by the foreign higher education institution which contains the curricular units in which the applicant obtained approval, and which led to the degree or diploma to which recognition is sought, as well as the respective syllabus content, the duration of the studies leading to the degree and its final classification.
  • When it is a grade corresponding to the master level, a digital or scanned copy of the dissertation defended or the project work, or the internship report.
  • In the case of a doctoral degree, a digital or digitized copy of the defendant's thesis, except when it has been replaced by other research, artistic works or achievements, in which case they must be delivered in digital or digital format. appropriate elements to know the content of the research carried out and the reasons that explain the process of conception and elaboration, research capacity, and its framing in the evolution of knowledge in the field in which it is inserted.




                    Contact directly the Institution of Higher Education in which you want to apply for Recognition.


How long does it take?


                   Maximum of 90 days after full process instruction. In Level Recognition processes with

                   precedence, no more than 30 days after full process instruction.


What is it?

It is the act that allows the recognition of a degree or diploma from a foreign higher education to be identical to a Portuguese academic degree or higher education diploma, through a casuistic analysis of the level, duration and programmatic content, in a certain area of formation, branch of knowledge or specialty.



The Council of the Portuguese Medical Schools, wants to warn all applicants, that have a higher education degree in the field of medicine and regarding the specific recognition process, that the submission of the request must be fully instructed, through the online form for this purpose, in the year 2021, until the 1st of October.

As of 2022, this deadline will change to September 1st.

For more information please check the following link:



How and where can I request this recognition?

  • Portuguese public universities
  • Portuguese public polytechnic institutes

       Recognition is requested by the Diploma holder by completing this online form.



What documents are needed?


 According to Article 4 (2) of Decree-Law no. 66/2018, applicants must present a document that unequivocally proves that the degree or diploma has been awarded. 

  • Copy of the Diploma or document issued by the foreign higher education institution proving the title of the degree or diploma for which recognition is required, authenticated by the competent authorities for this purpose;
  • Simple copy of a document issued by a foreign higher education institution with a registration number of a degree or diploma in the case of foreign higher education institutions that have centralized registers that can be accessed through a unique identifier;
  • Diploma or certificate issued by the foreign higher education institution, in original version, proving the title of the degree or diploma for which recognition is required.

In addition to the above mentioned documentation, specific documentation may be requested, namely:

  • Document issued by the foreign higher education institution which contains the curricular units in which the applicant obtained approval, and which led to the degree or diploma to which recognition is sought, as well as the respective syllabus content, the duration of the studies leading to the degree and its final classification.
  • When it is a grade corresponding to the master level, a digital or scanned copy of the dissertation defended or the project work, or the internship report.
  • In the case of a doctoral degree, a digital or digitized copy of the defendant's thesis, except when it has been replaced by other research, artistic works or achievements, in which case they must be delivered in digital or digital format. appropriate elements to know the content of the research carried out and the reasons that explain the process of conception and elaboration, research capacity, and its framing in the evolution of knowledge in the field in which it is inserted.




                    Contact directly the Institution of Higher Education in which you want to apply for Recognition.


How long does it take?


                   Maximum of 90 days after full process instruction.


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